Monday, 6 October 2008

Update from Bed

Well I'm currently wrapped up in bed feeling sorry for myself!! I ache all over and feel sick and blergh. Not sure if it's because of the fencing competition yesterday or if I'm coming down with something, either way I feel like death!!

I drove for 2 hours on Saturday to get to my Auntie's house, which was 10 minutes away from the competition I went to. It was lovely to see her and we went out for a meal (she had no food in!) and then watched Sleepless in Seattle. Very cute film with lots of references to An Affair To Remember, which I now also want to watch!

The next day I got up at 9! Woah! I've never been able to get up any later than about 6 to go to a competition!! Then I drove over to the school where it was being held, my mum's old school no less!! Very cool :)

I had every expectation to be thoroughly thrashed at the competition, but since I found out when I got there that I'd get a medal either way, and I only really went for the chance to see my family, I couldn't care less!

I did much better than expected, at the end of the first poule I was last in the poule but ranked 10th overall (out of 11 - not last!!), at the end of the second poule I was 4th in the poule (out of 6 both times) and ranked 7th over all!! Not bad! So I came out of the poules with an overall ranking of 8th. (sorry for the overuse of the word "over all"!!)

Then came the D.E. which is normally my forte, but I got beaten something like 15-3, oops!!! At the end of the competition I was ranked 9th out of 11 and got the Highest Ranked Under 20 medal :D Which wasn't hard...I was the ONLY under 20, but still absolutely delighted!

I then went over to see my Grandma and Grandad, and my Auntie again who was there as well! My dad and sister also turned up after running an errand, they'd been to watch the competition which was lovely :) Thank you! Even if you were bored, sis!!

The 2 hour drive back was nightmarish though. The sun was in my eyes the WHOLE time, then it dropped into twilight which I actually find WORSE to drive in! I was tired, I was achey, everything seemed to try and go wrong...I drove an hour then stopped at a McDonalds and refused to drive any further!!

Of course I did eventually get back in my car and somehow made it back the last hour. The final 15 minutes was pretty awful but I got back in one piece!

I then got in and was asked if I wanted to go to the cinema (20 minutes back in the direction I'd just come from!) the answer, funnily enough, was a big NO!!! I just sat in my room on my computer being "Bleeeerghhh" and tired lol

Then when I tried to get up this morning, as already said, I felt like death. I would say like death warmed up but that would imply that I was warm!! So I haven't gone to two of my classes, hopefully I'll be ok to go to my lecture...? And possibly more importantly I'll make it to my language class, which I'm not very good at and really don't want to miss!!!

So that's about it for now I think?

oooh mum and dad are at a VERY IMPORTANT meeting right now so -



Janet said...

Jet-lagged and wide awake at stupid o'clock Mummy here!! Sorry you found the driving so hard, but very very well done for managing it - I'm VERY PROUD of you :-) You could have checked into the Travel Lodge if you'd wanted to!
VERY VERY well done for being a champion fencer too :-) Who's Mummy's clever girl??
Lots of love

Alix said...

Tsh dashing off to fencing competitions, do you ever do any work around there! :p LOVE YOU

Josie Knight said...

Occasionally if I feel like it I do!!

I like how your blog links to the blogs of me and my family and not much else by the way :P


Anonymous said...

Hey hey, hope you're feeling better :) Heard about the great news and am sooo happy. Hope I'm allowed to join you in your tent when I come over ;)
