Thursday, 25 September 2008

Quick Update

Ok so I'm caving in to popular demand and updating my blog!

Where did we get up to? The B&B I believe...? Which was, by the way, absolutely rubbish. The man was a bit weird, the breakfast was huge (but otherwise good I guess), it stank of stale smoke, and they were way paranoid. We had to pay when we got there (could have told us...we had no money) and so had to pay a deposit, the internet was locked and we spent ages finding the was generally ruuuubish. Ah well, I had internet! lol

At the moment I'm in a university building using their internet, been here the past 3 days running!!

I've not been up to much, spent a lot of time being miserable and homesick and generally being wound up by the people I live with! Pretty much calmed down now, it was helped by Housemate L admitting she thought a lot of the things I did! We also sorted the kitchen, which weirdly was the main thing bugging me! I'm not OCD...honest...

So far I've done very little productive, not even put up my shelves on my bookcase yet!! (Yes mother I'll do it soon!). But what I HAVE done is sign up to lots of random societies, I fully intend on having no free time :P

I've joined...

Fencing (well, technically I didn't sign up, I just turn up for training, they know I'm coming)
Film Society
Amnesty International
Student Volunteering
Some random society that does ghost tours
Japanese Society (I'm now learning two languages this year)
Blood donor group
Looking out for First Aid courses

Yeah ok looking at the list I'm going to diiiie! But I'll be able to kill you all first, then revive you, talk to you in two different languages, then kill you again before I do :P

So far I've only gone to the Ki-Aikido which is WEIRD but lots of fun and really interesting. I'd never be able to explain it, so I would recommend looking it up if you want to know about it!! 

Going to Ki-Aikido again on Friday and doing Judo on Tuesday (I think??).

Apparently we're going out tonight which should be fun, I haven't done any Fresher's Week-ing yet! It's disgraceful lol

I don't remember anything else I've done, so I'm sorry if I missed anything out!

Talk soon, internet in 7 working days - woooo! :D

Miss you all


Janet said...

Glad to see you back in the land of The Blogging :-) Even more glad that things are getting sorted out and you are happier :-)
Lots of love

Alix said...

Yay I can stalk you again!

Anonymous said...

Hi Charli!
Sounds like your martial arts is the same one we've done here in the US!! Only we spell it Kyukido.. It's Korean martial arts, right??
your US "auntie"

Anonymous said...

Ours is Japense but they're probably influenced by eachother?
