Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Poor Little Bro!

Little Bro really is looking worse for wear at the moment, he's covered in cuts and bruises and grazes! So far in the past two days...

- Mum caught the side of his nose with her nail while she tried to stop him messing about at the same time as him turning around.
- Chasing after a friend after school yesterday he "Superman"ed up the pavement grazing his elbow
- On the way back from school today he fell off his scooter and skidded up the pavement so now his knees and legs are covered in grazes and he's hobbling along everywhere. "I've an owie leg so I won't be able to go to school tomorrow!"

And to make it all worse his Girlfriend got sent home from school today because she's poorly! He was telling me all about it ...

Bro - "My Girlfriend got cold at school and had to go home, I kept wondering where she was but she'd gone home"
Me - "Did you give her a hug to make her feel better?"
Bro - "Yeah I did. I tried to make her feel warm but she didn't, my hands were warm so I tried to warm her up but it didn't work."

He was quite distressed that he couldn't warm her up, I don't think he understands the idea of being poorly and feeling hot and cold and needing to go home for Calpol!!

Feel better soon Little Bro's Girlfriend!!

(Though apparently she's not his girlfriend anymore, but he won't tell her because she'll kill him! He doesn't have ANY girlfriends because we keep singing that "STUPID SONG" i.e. "Little Bro and Girlfriend sitting in a tree K . I . S . S . I . N. G ." etc!)

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